How to crochet a bracelet: Perle

Many small colored cotton pearls one after the other to make a simple crochet bracelet. I'll give you the explanation right away.
To boot
4 little chains and in the first make 9 double crochet (total 10)
1 lap: 2 double crochet closed together for the whole lap, before closing the first lap insert a small ball of cotton wool or cotton wool that you have previously molded with your hands, close the lap.
2 round: 2-3 slips stitch to close the ball. Without cutting the cotton, redo the same ball another for a total of 15 pearls. In the last ball, make a small closing ring of 12 little chains where to insert the first ball in order to fasten the bracelet on the wrist. This was the explanation of the last of the 7 crochet bracelets.
Required: cotton number 20 - 1.0mm crochet hook - scissors - wadding.

I hope you have also enjoyed recreating them and giving you some more ideas.

At the next creation, hello everyone!


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