How to crochet the Alchechengi

An unusual fruit that not everyone knows or appreciates. The alchechengi in autumn produces a small orange berry enclosed in a sand-colored lantern that when dissolved takes on the assumption of a small cage.
Physalis is the second plant that is part of the autumn composition.
To make the crocheted cape gooseberry you need to prepare: the lantern, the berry, the cage, the bud and the leaves that are 3 different sizes.

Need: cotton number 20 - crochet 1.0mm - scissors - fa - galvanized iron wire 0.45
mm - plasticized wire - wadding - pliers.

Explanation of the lantern

Start 4 chains and in the first rate: 9 double crochet (total 10 double crochet)
1st round: 1 double crochet, 3 double crochet at one point, 1 double crochet, repeat until completing the lap for a total of 5 times.
2nd round: 2 double crochet, 3 double crochet at one point, 3 double crochet, repeat until completing the lap for a total of 5 times.
3rd round: 3 double crochet, 3 double crochet at one point, 5 double crochet, repeat until completing the lap for a total of 5 times.
4th round: 4 double crochet, 3 double crochet at one point, 7 double crochet, repeat until completing the lap for a total of 5 times.
5th round: 1 double crochet in each point below (total 50 double crochet).
Lap 6: 2 double crochet closed together for the whole lap, cut about 8 cm of galvanized iron wire and wrap some cotton in the middle. Twist it on itself for about 3 cm and the article in the lanina. Close the 6th lap.
7th lap: 2 double crochet closed together for the whole lap. If necessary insert another wadding shaping with your hands.
Lap 8: 6 single crochet.
Lap 9: with 6 slip stitch, close the job. With the green cotton cover the small lavornadoci stem around the chains.

Explanation of orange berry
Start 4 chains and in the first make 9 double crochet (total 10 double crochet)
1st round: every 2 points make an increase for a total of 15 double crochet.
2nd round: 2 double crochet closed together for the whole lap. Insert inside the wire with the wadding in the center (same procedure used for the lantern). Close the second round.
3rd round: 15 slip stitch and then close the job. Around the small stem work the chains with green cotton.

Explanation of the cage
Start 6 chains and in the first rate: 1 double crochet, 2 chains, 1 double crochet, 2 chains for a total of 6 bows.
1st round: with 1 slip stitch go to the center of the first bow and tariff: 1 single crochet, 4 chains, 1 single crochet in the next bow for a total of 6 bows.
2nd round: in the bow tariff: 1 single crochet, 4 chains, 1 single crochet, 4 chains, 1 single crochet in the next bow for a total of 12 bows.
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th lap: 12 small chains of 4 chains.
Round 7: 12 small chains of 3 chains.
8th lap: 12 bows of 2 chains (insert halfway inside the orange berry).
Lap 9: 6 bows of 2 chains (skip a bow).
Lap 10: 6 bows of 2 chains.
11th lap: 6 single crochet and with some slip stitch close the job.

Explanation of the bud

Start 4 chains and in the first do 9 double crochet (total 10 double crochet).
1st round: every 2 points an increase for a total of 15 double crochet.
2nd round: 2 double crochet in each point below for a total of 30 double crochet.
3rd round: 2 double crochet closed together for the whole lap (in the middle of the round insert the ball of cotton wool with the small shank formed by a wire twisted on itself).
4th round: 15 single crochet.
5th round: with slip stitch close and cover the small stem with the green cotton chains.

Explanation of the large leaf
Start 30 chains.
1st round: 3 single crochet, 3 half double crochet, 3 double crochet, 11 triple crochet, 3 double crochet, 3 half double crochet, 3 single crochet, redo the same side of the chains.
2nd round: the same as the first round only the triple crochet will change, which will be 14 (rate 3 increases).
Cut a piece of galvanized iron wire that makes the complete turn of the leaf plus about 4 cm more per side and join it to work around the single crochet. Twist the remaining wire on itself while working around the chains. The wire is used for the whole leaf on the stem.

Explanation of the medium leaf
The procedure is the same as the large leaf, only the chains that are 25 and the triple crochet 6 change (in the second round the triple crochet will be 8).

Explanation of the small leaf

The same procedure as for the large leaf only changes the chains that will be 20, the half double crochet 2 and the triple crochet 5 (in the second round the triple crochet will be 7).
To make the branch of cape gooseberry, cut a piece of plasticized iron wire of the appropriate length and thickness. Bend the tips at the two ends using a pair of pliers. Starting from the top, tie the small leaves with the bud, the middle leaves with the lantern and the large leaves with the cage.
Cover the stem with cotton, working the chains around it.
Place your cape jelly composition by shaping it with your hands.
Mine is just one example that I hope I have explained to you better and that you can customize based on your imagination.
At the next creation, hello to all.


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