How to crochet a Clivia

For many months its long and beautiful leaves guard the extraordinary beauty of the flowers that unfortunately bloom only once a year. The clivia is a flower much appreciated for its lush flowering and makes a fine show of itself with the arrival of summer in many gardens and balconies.

To make this crochet flower it is necessary to prepare the petals, a central section, the pistils, the glasses and the main stem where all the flowers and the leaves that are of 4 different sizes are connected.

Explanation of the petal.

Start 25 little chains.

1 round: 6 single crochet, 3 half double crochet, 3 double crochet, 7 triple crochet, 3 double crochet, a half double crochet, a single crochet. Redo equal on the other side of the chains. Cut a piece of galvanized iron wire that goes around the full petal plus a further 2 cm per side and insert it to the petal by working around a circle of single crochet. Tighten the petal well, giving it the right shape and twisting the iron wire on itself 3-4 times to block the work. Make 2-3 little chains around this little cuff and close the work.

 For each flower prepare a total of 6 petals.

Now let's assemble the flower: let's join the first 3 petals at the base with 2-3 stitches, then add the other 3 more external ones one by one, positioning them in a staggered way compared to the 3 inner petals.

Explanation of the central section.

The central section served me to create the yellow nuance at the center of the flower.

Start 7 little chains. Cut about 20 cm of galvanized iron wire, place the 7 small chains in the center and join them by working 6 single crochet, turn the work.

1 round: 12 double crochet, turn the job.

2 round: a double crochet and a triple crochet in a point, 2 double triple crochet in a point, a triple crochet and a double crochet in a point, a half double crochet, a single crochet and a half double crochet in a point . Repeat equal a total of 3 times. Close the work by stretching the cotton a little long and leave it hanging.

Explanation of the pistil.

Cut about 15 cm of fishing line (possibly not colored). Curve it a little, place the center of the curvature on the index and work around 15 single crochet. In the last single crochet, work 3 little chains and 3 double crochet. Close the double crochet together trying to leave the line in the middle, close the work and stop the cotton inside the 4 double crochet closed together. Make 3 pistils per flower. Take 3 pistils and place them in the middle of the central section that we had left hanging. Sew them down and make sure they are beautiful still. Go up with the needle and sew the edges of the section to close it and give it the circular shape. Now we close the wire at the bottom and twist it on itself to form a small stem of about 5-6 cm plus another 2 cm on each side that we need to be able to tie the flower to the main stem. Now we insert the central section with the pistils in the center of the flower (let's enlarge it a little with the tip of the crochet hook) and let the small stem come out.

Explanation of the glass.

Start 4 little chains and in the first make 11 double crochet (total 12).

1 lap: 15 double crochet (make 3 increases). Close the work by holding the cotton a little long. Insert the glass in the small stem of the flower and sew it to it. Coat the small cotton shank working around the chains.

Once all the flowers have been made, cut a piece of plasticized iron wire of the length needed to create the stem, curve a tip that will be that of the top (help yourself with a clamp) and on the top of the stem one by one all the flowers. Coat the stem by working around the chains except for about 2 cm that will be that piece that will be inserted into the vase. The curvature of the top will be covered with a small dome.

Explanation of the dome.

Start 4 little chains and in the first make 11 double crochet (total 12).

1 round: 15 double crochet (make 3 increases) close the work holding the cotton a little long and sew to the stem.

Now let's move on to the explanation of the leaves I made of 4 different sizes to be placed around the flower stem. The cotton I used for the leaf is number 10.

Explanation of the 70-chain leaf.

Start 70 little chains.

1 lap: One single crochet, one half double crochet, one double crochet, 57 triple crochet, 3 double crochet, 3 half double crochet, 3 single crochet. Redo equal to the other side of the chains. Cut a piece of galvanized iron wire that makes the complete turn of the leaf plus another 5 cm more per side and insert it to the leaf by working around the single crochet. Tighten the work well, twisting the iron wire about 2-3 cm to form a small stem (we will need to insert the leaf in the pot). Close the work and stop the cotton.

Explanation of the 60-chain leaf.

The same procedure of the big leaf changes only the chains that are 60 and the triple crochet that are 47, all the rest is identical.

Explanation of the leaf of 50 little chains.

The same procedure of the big leaf, only the chains that are 50 and the triple crochet that change are 37, all the rest is the same.

Explanation of the leaf of 40 little chains.

The procedure is the same as that of the big leaf, only the chains that are 40 and the triple crochet that are 27 change everything else is the same.

Make all the leaves that you need for your clivia, arrange them around the flower and shape it all with your hands.

As always, I hope I have been clear in the explanations and have given you one more idea. Hello everyone, see you next time.


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