How to crochet an Oak Bonsai

The ancient art of Bonsai that recalls the perfect union between art and nature. The art of creating miniature trees respecting their functional and vegetative balance. Every time I admire a Bonsai I observe the harmony of these small plants that skilled hands can create. An art that requires deep technical and botanical knowledge. All qualities that still do not belong to me, but this did not stop me from creating my little Bonsai too ... crochet, though.
Needed: cotton number 20 - 1.0mm crochet hook - scissors - needle - 0.45mm galvanized iron wire - plasticized iron wire - wadding - pliers.
I chose oak because thinking of my land I certainly include it in the boundless landscape that surrounds it and now I have the pleasure of sharing the explanation with you.
To make Crochet Oak Bonsai there is a bit of preparation to be done and, as with every goal we set ourselves, the important thing is to achieve the result.
We start by preparing the skeleton for the trunk with the roots and branches where the leaves and the acorns will then be sewn.

Cut 6 pieces of plasticized wire around 35-40 cm long. Twist two at the center for about 15 cm and leave about 15 cm free at the top for the branches and about 10 cm at the bottom for the roots. Then join the center by twisting the 3 pieces of wire (twisted previously) to form a single set. In this way a central part will be obtained where we will create the trunk and 3 parts at the top formed by 6 branches and the 3 shorter parts at the bottom to create the 3 roots. To make the branches twine 2 pieces of wire, starting from the trunk, for about 4 cm, same work for the other 2 branches. Total we will have 3 pieces knotted which will be the largest branches and 6 free pieces that will be the normal branches. For the roots do the same work by twisting the wire for about 3-4 cm, the rest will be used to insert the tree into the vase.
Now with brown cotton we start to shape our little oak.

Explanation of the trunk.

Start 47 little chains and make 45 double crochet for a total of 28 laps. Sew on the sides giving it the shape of a cylinder. Insert into the skeleton and place it in the center. Stuff with cotton wool or cotton wool and shape with your hands. We leave on hold and move on to work the roots and the larger branches that will be sewn to the trunk.

Explanations of the roots.

Start 18 little chains.
1st, 2nd and 3rd round 16 double crochet.
4th, 5th, 6th and 7th round 2 double crochet closed together and 2 double crochet for the whole lap and for every lap, total we will have 7 double crochet. Close the job. We will make three of these roots in total. Sew on the sides and insert at the bottom of the twisted wire, keeping the widest part towards the trunk. Stuff and sew to the trunk halfway. Same identical work for the other 2 roots that will be sewn to the trunk at the bottom completely closing the opening.

Explanation of the branches.

Start 20 little chains.
1st and 2nd round: 18 double crochet.
3rd, 4th and 5th round: 2 double crochet closed together and 2 high points for the whole lap and for each lap, in total we will have 7 double crochet.
From the 6th lap to the 13th lap, always 7 points high. Close the job.
 Of these branches we will make 3. Sew on the sides and join the trunk at the top with the same procedure used for the roots.

In each of the 6 branches we must join 5 smaller branches (about 5-6 cm) that we will create with galvanized wire. We cut a piece and fold it in half, hold the top of these halves with a pincer and twist it on itself for the length that is needed more about 2 cm per side that will serve to be able to connect to the main branch. Once all the branches that are needed for all 6 branches are made, we have to cover them with brown cotton, working the chains around them, then they will be connected to the main branch. Also with the chains we also cover the 6 "main" branches (those made with plasticized wire). To cover the top of the branch (which will first be curved with a pair of pliers) you will make a small cuplet to be sewn around. We will then make 4 little chains and in the first one make 10 high points in total. Close keeping the cotton a little long and sew.
The tree with its branches is now ready with only the leaves and acorns that I'm going to explain now.

Explanation of the leaf.
Start 15 little chains.
1st round: 6 single crochet, 4 half double crochet, 3 double crochet, 8 triple crochet in one point. On the other side of the chains make: 3 double crochet, 4 half double crochet, 6 single crochet.
2nd round: 2 slip stitch, 2 single crochet, a half double crochet and a double crochet at a point, a double crochet and a half double crochet at one point, a single crochet, a total of 9 times, a single crochet , 2 slip stitch, 4 little chains and in these make 3 single crochet. Close the job.
The leaves will be coupled to 2 and sewn on the top of the twigs and where there is the lacing to the main branch. In total in each branch we will have to sew 11 copies of leaves. If you need to staram them, a lot depends on the type of cotton you use.
Now let's move on to the explanation of the acorn that is made up of 2 parts: the fruit and the "dome" that partially covers it.

Explanation of the fruit.
Start 4 little chains and in the first make 10 double crochet in total.
1st round: 10 double crochet.
2nd round: 2 double crochet closed together for the whole lap. Stuff with a little cotton wool.
Lap 3: With 2-3 slip stitch close keeping the cotton a little long.

Explanation of the “dome".

Start 4 little chains and in the first make 12 double crochet in total.
1st round: 12 single crochet, close the work.
Insert the dome above the fruit and then assemble the acorn.
Sew the coupled acorns to 2 or single in the union of the 2 leaves.
Model the branches and arrange the leaves.
Admire now your masterpiece and congratulate yourself for your constancy and passion that led you to achieve this result.
I hope as always to have explained everything to the fullest and to have given you an extra idea to realize your creations.

Hello everyone, see you next time.


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