How to crochet a Lithops

These small fat plants are also known as living stones as they resemble small stones. These little ones are a true masterpiece of nature for the adaptation mechanism to an extreme life in the desert areas of which they originate
. They too could not miss in my composition of greasy crocheted plants. She is the sixth of the seven seedlings. It is easy to make because it consists of stones of two different pairs and a small flower.
Required: cotton number 20 - 1.0mm crochet hook - scissors - needle - 0.45mm galvanized iron wire - plasticized iron wire - wadding - pliers.

 Explanation of the big stone.

Start 4 chains and in the first make 11 double crochet (total 12).
1 lap: 24 double crochet.
2 and 3 laps: 24 double crochet.
4 laps: 2 double crochet closed together for the whole lap.
Cut a piece of plastic wire, wrap a bit of cotton or cotton wool on a tip and bend it to lock the cotton (help with a pliers). Insert it inside the stone.
5 lap: 13 double crochet.
Continue to paddle by molding the shape with your hands.
Have 2 equal put them together and join them by pressing them with their hands to flatten them a bit, to keep them sewn together with some points on the sides. With the brown cotton sewn over the small stains.

Explanation of small stone.

Start 4 chains and in the first do 9 double crochet (total 10).
1 lap: 20 double crochet.
2 and 3 laps: 20 double crochet.
4 laps: 2 double crochet closed together for the whole lap. Continue with the same large stone procedure.
5 lap: 11 double crochet. Continue with the same large stone procedure.

Explanation of the flower:

With the yellow cotton we create a small pistil: start 4 chains and in the first make 7 double crochet (total 8). Insert the crochet into the first double crochet and close to the peanut. Cut a piece of galvanized iron wire and place it in the 2 point high of the peanut, knot with 2 turns and lock. Now with the white cotton, create a wadding, wrapping about three-fold cotton for about 40 times. Bend the cushion in half and place it under the pistil. Thread the iron wire 2 times to lock it and continue to wrap it on itself to create a small stem that will serve to place the flower in the jar at the center of the 2 large rocks. Model the cushion to create the flower and the scissors cut off the extra cotton. Create all the pebbles you need for your composition with its flowers and arrange them in the jar or in a combination with other fat plants. As you always have fun creating, hello everyone next.


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