How to crochet a Peony

From us we call "Sa Rosa de Monti", a beautiful rose without thorns that grows far from the sea. Wild Peony is the symbol of Sardinia with all the shades of rose coloring the granite mountains of our Island.
I wanted to pay tribute to Mother Nature by recreating this crocheted flower. To make this Wild Peony map you need to prepare the flower, bud, pistil, chalice and leaf with its stem.
Required: cotton number 20 - 1.0mm crochet hook - scissors - 0.45mm galvanized iron wire - plasticized iron wire - pliers.

Explanation of the flower

The flower consists of 2 sections of 4 petals each.

1 section of petals.

Start 6 chains and close them in the circle.
1 lap: 12 single crochet.
2 lap: 2 double crochet at one point for 3 times, turn the job.
3 lap: a double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point for 4 times, a double crochet, turn the job.
4 lap: 1 double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, 2 double crochet, 2 double crochet one point 2 times, 2 double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, a double crochet, turn the job.
5 lap: a half double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, 4 double crochet, 2 double crochet at a point 2 times, 4 double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, a half double crochet, turn the job.
6 lap: a single crochet, a half double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, 5 double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point 2 times, 5 double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, half double crochet, one single crochet.
Get off with slip stitch up to the first lap of the 12 single crochet and resemble the same for a total of 4 times.

Second section of petals.

The second section of petals is identical to the first, only change the 5th and 6th points that I'm going to explain now.
5 lap: half double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, 4 triple crochet, 2 triple crochet in a point 2 times, 4 triple crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, half double crochet, turn the work.
6 lap: a single crochet, a half double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, 5 triple crochet, 2 triple crochet in a point 2 times, 5 triple crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, a half double crochet, a single crochet.
Continue with the same procedure as in the first section.

Explanation of the bud
Start 6 chains and close them in the circle.
1 turn: 6 double crochet, turn the job.
2 lap: a half double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, 2 triple crochet in one point 2 times, 2 double crochet at one point, a half double crochet, jade work.
3 lap: a single corchet, a half double crochet, 2 double crochet at one point, a triple crochet, 2 triple crochet in a point 2 times, a high double point, 2 double crochet at one point, half double crochet, a single crochet.
Get off with a few slip stitch to the 6 chain chains and resemble the same for a total of 4 petals.
To make the fourth petal (as little space left) push the other 3 petals to the right. Close the work tending the cotton a bit long. Sew the sides of the petals with 2-3 points starting from the bottom giving it the semi-solid shape.

Explanation of the pistil

The pistil consists of 3 sections of different sizes.

1 section of the pistil.

Start 6 chains and close them in circle.
1 turn: 6 chains, a single crochet in the circle. Repeat equal to a total of 15 bows.
2 section of the pistil.

Start 6 chains and close them in circle.
1 turn: 8 chains, a single crochet in the circle. Repeat equal to a total of 15 bows.
3 section of the pistil.

Start 6 chains and close them in circle.
1 turn: 10 chains, a single crochet in the circle. Repeat equal to a total of 15 bows.

For the flower pistil, all three sections are needed, only the first section for the flower bud.

Explanation of the chalice

Start 6 chains and close them in the circle.
1 lap: 12 single crochet.
2 laps: 7 chains and in these do: a single crochet, a half double crochet, 2 double crochet, 2 triple crochet, jump 2 base points, a slip stitch. Repeat equal to a total of 4 times.
The chalice is the same for both the flower and the bud.

Prepare the main stem by cutting a piece of plasticized wire length of wire that is needed. On a tip wrap several times the yellow cotton (the same used for pistols) to form a small ball. With a clamp we curl the tip and block the cotton, thus obtaining a small pistil that will also make a pivot to hold it all. In the stem we place the first, second and third section of pistils, the first and second section of petals and the cup.
For the bud we create a small stem with galvanized iron wire. We cut it about 20 cm and in the center wrap several times the yellow cotton to form a small ball, then twist the wire of iron about 7 to 8 cm, the rest will serve to be able to bind it to the main stem. We put in order the first section of the pistils, the bud and the chalice. It will then be covered with green cotton, working around the chains, and finally tied to the main stem near the second leaf.

Explanation of the leaf

Start 25 chains.
1 turn: 4 single crochet, 3 half double crochet, 3 double crochet, 4 triple crochet, 3 punti alti, 3 high double crochet, 4 single crochet. Repeat the same on the other side of the chains.
Cut a piece of zinc plated wire that turns 3 leaves more than 2 cm in excess per side and insert it into the leaf by working around the single crochet. Spread the leaf well, shaping it with your hands, twisting 2-3 times the iron wire to lock the work and without cutting the cotton to make another identical leaf. After the second leaf comes down with slip stitch until you reach the iron wire and continue as for the first leaf, same procedure as the third leaf. When the third leaf is finished we twist the iron wire for about 2 cm to form a small stem and we work around the chains to cover it. The remaining iron wire will serve to fasten the leaf to the main stem. Once you have tied all the leaves and buds cover the stem with chains. If you see that the petals are not up, you can put them somewhat or even put 2 stitches in the petals of the second section (the outer one), maybe in the inner side, so it will be covered in the other section.

More to say, I hope you have explained everything to the best and have given you an extra idea for your creations. Always make inspiration from your imagination and have fun creating.

Hi everyone to the next.


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