How to crochet a Buttercup

A small spontaneous seedlings that yellow some areas of the plain and mountain meadows. The Wild Ranuncolo is present in so many varieties and this is one that grows in some wetlands of my garden, its name comes from frog. I wanted to recreate the beauty of this crocheted flower and now I have the pleasure to share with you the explanation.
 Easy to make, it is made up of flower, bud, pistil, chest with stem and leaves. As you know for my crochet work, I use almost exclusively cotton number 20. To create this wild Ranuncolo map with the delicacy of its petals and the carnosity of its leaves I have used 3 different types of cotton, the number 16 for the Flowers, buds and pistols, number 20 for chalice and stem, and number 10 to give more thickness to the leaves and to their stem.
Needed: cotton number 20 and number 10 - 1.0mm crochet hook - scissors - plasticized iron wire - pliers.
Explanation of the flower

Start 5 chains and close in circle.
1 turn: 10 single crochet.
2 lap: 3 points in one point for 2 times. Turn the work.
3 turns: 2 chains (replacing a half high mesh), 2 points in one point 4 times, a half double crochet, turn the job.
4 lap: a chain (replacing a single crochet) 2 half double crochet, 4 double crochet, 2 half double crochet, 1 single crochet.
Get off with the slip stitch up to the lap of the single crochet and make the same equal to a total of 5 petals.

Explanation of the pistil
Start 5 chains and close in circle.
1 turn: 5 chains and in these make: 4 single crochet, 1 slip stitch in the circle. Resume equal to a total of 9 times.

Explanation of the chalice
Start 5 chains and close in circle.
1 turn: 5 chains and in these make: 2 single crochet, 2 half double crochet, 1 slip stitch inside the circle. Repeat equal to a total of 5 times

Prepare the stem now by cutting a piece of plastic wire of the thickness appropriate to the work being done and also of the right length. On a tip wrap the light green cotton (which is intent with the yellow of the flower) to form a small ball that will be the central flower pistil. Helping the bobbin clamp to lock the cotton. Now put in order: the yellow pistil, the flower and then the cup. Cover the stem with the green cotton by working around the chains once on the right and once on the left of the stem.

Explanation of the bud

Start 4 chains and in the first do 9 double crochet (10 in total).
1 lap: 15 double crochet.
2 laps: 2 double crochet closed together for the whole lap.
Prepare the stem with the plasticized wire wire by bending a tip for 2 or 3 times to form a small ball that will make the pivot. Insert the bud and make the third turn by closing the job with some slip stitch.
Also insert the cup that is the same as the flower in the stem and do the same procedure to cover the stem with the green cotton.
Place all the flowers and buds in the center of the jar.

For the leaves I picked up what I did for cyclamen, they were very similar and I decided to replicate them.

Explanation of the leaf
Cut a piece of plastic wire of the right length and help with a bending pliers a tip to create a small circle. Inside, the leaf is worked.
1 lap: 3 single crochet, 3 half double crochet, 3 double crochet, 3 triple crochet, 3 double triple crochet, 3 triple crochet, 3 double crochet, 3 half double crochet, 3 single crochet, jade work.
2 Turn: Work 2 points in each point, except in the half double crochet and the single crochet (you will then have 6 double crochet, 6 triple crochet, 6 double triple crochet etc. ...) to turn the job.
3 laps: as in the second lap, work 2 points in each point except the single crochet and the half double crochet (there will be 12 double crochet, 12 triple crochet, 12 double crochet, etc.).
Now make a low point inside the rim and without cutting the cotton fill the stem by working around the chains except that piece that will be inserted in the jar. Using the pliers press the 2 sides of the rim to close it.
Arrange the leaves all around the florelline and admire your crocodile wild ranch.

 Have fun at all, hello to the next.


  1. Buongiorno Sam, sono bellissimi ma come in altre spiegazioni c'è scritto mezzo uncinetto doppio o mezzo uncinetto triplo😁 che significa? Grazie!

    1. ...pure due uncinetto doppio a metà 🤔

    2. Ciao Melina, per realizzare le traduzioni in inglese ho tradotto: mezza maglia alta come half double crochet, punto alto come double crochet, punto alto doppio come triple ( o treble) crochet ecc... Se non ti è chiaro qualcosa chiedi pure e cercherò di aiutarti.


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