How to crochet a bracelet: Ciondoli

Also this bracelet like the others has its source of inspiration which was a metal bracelet seen on the wrist of a girl who had beads as pendants. Unlike other crochet bracelets that have laces or buttons as lacing, this has a metal core that allows us to fasten it to the wrist.
Needed: cotton number 20 - 1.0mm crochet hook - scissors - needle - 0.45mm galvanized iron wire.

Start 7 little chains and in these make 5 double crochet, turn the work and for all the subsequent turns that are 35 (measure about 17cm) you will always make the 5 double crochet. Close the work by holding the cotton a bit 'long that we will need to sew the edges of the bracelet folded long in half. Now cut a piece of galvanized iron wire twice the length of the bracelet and insert it into 2 points at one end of the bracelet, fold it in half and place it inside the cuff. At the other end insert 2 points first one tip and then the other one of the wire. Now tighten the whole well and twist around an inch or so of wire that you fold inside the bracelet. All that remains is to match the edges and sew them together. Now the bracelet is ready you just have to place it on your wrist and shaping it a bit with your hands to give it the right shape. But the pendants are missing so I thought to make 4 small pendants.

Explanation of the pendant.

Start 4 little chains and in the first make 9 double crochet (total 10).
1 lap: 2 double crochet closed together for the whole lap.
2 round: with 2-3 slip stitch close the work. They will then be sewn to the bracelet holding that half inch of cotton out of the pendant that if you want it will be the same color or other different shades. Personalize it according to your imagination and creativity.

Have fun creating, hello everyone!


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