How to crochet a bracelet: Pietro

Inspired by my son and his desire to have a bracelet seen on the wrist of another was born this crochet bracelet, following his idea and his suggestions. Quite simple and fun to make, use all the colors that jump in your mind and create the combinations that most inspire you.
This is the explanation of the crochet bracelet N ° 5.
Needed: cotton number 20 - 1.0mm crochet hook - scissors - needle.
Keep in mind that the measure is that of the wrist of my son (19 cm) so you adapt it to the wrist to which the bracelet is intended. Ok let's start. With the yellow cotton, start 80 little chains and work with the half double crochet. Change of color, let's go to orange and work on filet on one side and on the other side of the half double crochet above the other half double crochet. Same procedure with blue cotton. The explanation leaves a little 'to be desired but looking at the photos I think there is not much need. Once this is done on the two ends of the bracelet, create 2 closing laces on each side making for each 25- 30 little chains (depending on the wrist). You just have to hide the wires and tie the bracelet on your child's wrist like I did.

 Hello everyone, see you next time.


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