How to crochet a bracelet: Onde

As promised here is the explanation of the first crochet bracelet. Not having idea of ​​what name to give to the bracelets and having to diversify them to give the explanation I decided to number them and that of today is the number 1.
Required: cotton number 20 - 1.0mm crochet hook - scissors - needle - plasticized iron wire - wadding - pliers.

To make this bracelet you need 2 different colors of cotton that you will choose according to your creation.

With the cotton "x" color, start 8 little chains and make 6 double crochet in these. Turn the work and work filet for 35 turns (measure of my wrist, about 17 cm), you adapt it to the measure of the wrist to which the bracelet is intended. Now at the two ends, join the transparent plastic buttons and naturally hide all the threads of the seams. Now the bracelet is finished but very bare, so with the cotton of another color work on it a little chain snake. Point the crochet hook in a corner at the bottom and work 3 little chains, then follow the pace of the double crochet between one lap and the other work the chains inserting the crochet and while you do remember to keep the cotton always under work.
My explanations are very simple and without technical terms but I think that by looking at the photos do not need further explanation, if you still need to leave me a comment and I will be happy to help you. Sbizzarritevi with the imagination and create so many colors and for all occasions.
 Have fun, bye bye.


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